Heartbreak High Wiki

Amerie Wadia is a Year 11 student at Hartley High. She is a caring, smart, head-strong girl with an enormous heart and an even bigger mouth. She was romantically involved with Malakai and Rowan, still being romantically interested in Malakai, and formerly crushed on Dusty. She is best friends with Harper, Darren, and Quinni. She is also friends with, Missy and Sasha. Amerie is portrayed by Ayesha Madon.


Season 1

"Map B**ch"[]

Amerie creates a map called "The Incest Map" with her best friend Harper in the school's old stairwell. The two go to a festival together but when they return to school a week later, Amerie can't find Harper. The map is discovered and all students are gathered to talk about the map. This is when Amerie sees Harper for the first time since the party, her friend has her head shaved. Much to Amerie's surprise, the girl also doesn't react to her attempts to talk to her. Woodsy calls Amerie to her office, telling her that she knows Amerie made the map. The girl lies to her about Harper's involvement. Amerie asks Harper what happened to her and Harper punches her in the face, publicly ending her friendship with Amerie. When word gets out that Amerie made the map, she is called 'Map Bitch' and everyone who was on the map is forced to attend the SLT class. Since then, Amerie has become public enemy number one at the school but is welcomed by Quinni and Darren, although Darren is more reluctant.

"Renaissance Titties"[]


"Rack Off"[]

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Amerie finds out Malakai told people they hooked up.

The next day at school, Amerie scares Darren and Quinni by running up and grabbing their shoulders. The pair are relieved to see Amerie back at school, and express their happiness for her after she reveals she lost her virginity to Malakai. As Amerie begins to assert to Darren and Quinni that nothing serious is happening between her and Makakai, she is surprised to see Malakai standing in front of everyone with flowers and a balloon that says “Will you be my girlfriend, Amer”, leaving Amerie embarrassed.

Whilst carrying the flowers to her locker, Amerie bumps into Dusty, who remarks that Amerie and Malakai did well keeping the fact they were seeing each other a secret. He also thanks Amerie for the advice she gave regarding Harper, much to Amerie's shock and chagrin.

"Bin Chicken"[]


"The Sheriff"[]

"Three of Swords"[]

Season 2


She entered the series having been previously Harper's best friend. They are then enemies before reconciling at the end of Season 1.

She is best friends with Darren and Quinni though she becomes a bit distant from the latter in late Season 2 when Quinni decides to prioritise herself. She also is friends with Cash.

She is enemies with Spider.

